Final Fantasy V Advance Optional Bosses
Final Fantasy V is the first title in the series to have bosses simply for the challenge. These two bosses are found late in the game, in the Interdimensional Rift. Omega is easy to find. Shinryu though is hidden in a chest deep in the final area.
LV |
HP |
MP |
GP |
119 |
55530 |
60700 |
50000 |
0 |
Common: |
Common: Omega Badge |
Rare: |

To beat Omega, you will need to be well over level 50. My recomendation is 60-65. You will need as many characters as you can have the !Rapid Fire, !Spellblade LV 5, and the Dual Wield abilities learned. You will also need 4 Fire Rings. This is imparitive, since most of Omega's attacks are fire-based. This is how I did my set-up:
Abilities-!White 6, !Time 5, !Blue
Abilities-!Spellblade 5, !Rapid Fire
Abilities-!Spellblade 5, !Rapid Fire
Abilities-!White 6, !Spellblade 5, !Rapid Fire

When the battle begins, have Bartz cast Haste 2, and have the others cast Bolt 3 to their weapons. On the next trun have Bartz cast Guardian, while the others begin the pounding on Omega. If you are getting taken down, use White Wind. Just keep yourself alive, and pound away at Omega. If you feel confident enough, have someone cast Bolt 3 to their weapon, and Bartz mime it. This will give you 4 people hitting him with Bolted weapons. Eventually he will finally fall. When you defeat Omega, you will get the Omega Badge. This may not seem like much, but you can trade it into the Kalm Traveler for a great prize!!!
Oops, wrong game. The badge is just to say you beat Omega. |
LV |
HP |
MP |
GP |
97 |
55500 |
51000 |
0 |
0 |
Common: Dragon fang |
Common: Dragon Seal, Ragnarok |
Rare: Dragon Beard |
Beating Omega was difficult. But he is nothing compared to what is hiding in the chest at the bottom of the 3rd areas stairs. Inside you will find the long forgotten dragon Shinryu.
This dragon can basically force Bahamut to lick it's feet! I had an easier time beating WEAPONS in VII, than I did this beast!
Ok, here is what is recommened by everyone online, And even the official Bradygames Strategy Guide ® says you will need.
4 Coral Rings, and 8 Dragon Lances. Dragon Lances are rarely stolen from Crystal Dragons, in the same area. You also need
to have !Jump for all your characters.
Before continuing, let me tell you...I have owned this game inside of a decade, and I have yet to obtain one of these lances!
I finally beat Shinryu with another method...and a little luck.
First, you definately need to go buy the 4 coral rings. Shinryu frequently attacks with Tidal Wave. Now spend some time going
around, and getting a lot of money. We are talking millions here. I spent 5 hours just maxing my cash out. These are the classes I had.
Abilities-!Zeninage, White 6, Time 5, !Blue
Abilities-!Zeninage, White 6
Abilities-!Zeninage, White 6
Abilities-!Zeninage, !Blue

At the start of battle, Shinryu will cast Tidal Wave. This will heal you with the Coral Rings.
Have Bartz cast Haste 2, Reina and Faris use !Zeninage, and have Krile cast Guardian. In the next round have Bartz heal,
and the rest toss money. If you think you can handle it, Have Bartz mime a !Zeninage for added damage. be sure everyone can
heal with white magic. It is also recomended everyone be able to cast Life 2, just in case someone gets taken out. This is
not a garonteed win. I lost 3 times, before i was able to beat Shinryu. It is a matter of timing, and Shinryu being more than generous with Tidal Wave. Once you defeat shinryu you will get the Ragnarok Sword, and the Dragon Seal. This is definately the best weapon in the entire game, outside of the Sealed Temple. And as for the is all about the bragging rights baby.
