Dissidia Final Fantasy Quick level up trick
You might be thinking it is a bit difficult to get your characters to level up very quickly. I was having a rough time of it in the beginning as well. But there is actually a very good way of amassing 30-60 levels in one shot. But it does take a little bit of work.
As you know, there is a special day in the calendar, where you are given EXP, AP, and PP bonuses. You need to keep the PSP set to this day. The easiest way is to continuously reset the time of day, rather than jumping days. This way you get a full 24 hours no matter what.
You need to unlock several different things as well. Obviously, you need to unlock the characters you wish to level up. Each character is 500 PP a piece. You need 11,000 PP to unlock all 22 characters. You also need to unlock each of the EXP Icon Boosts. You need 2,300 PP for that.
Now for some assistance… You want to get a hold of the Magic Pot, Ifrit, and Tiamat Summonstones.
Ifrit is found in the Destiny Odyssey I section. You get the Auto the first time through, and the manual the second time.
Magic Pot is found in the Destiny Odyssey VII section. Again you get the Auto the first time, and the manual the second time.
Tiamat is located in Shade Impulse Chapter 4. You can acquire it the first time through.
Now you have all of this, what do you do? This is the harder part. You need to do several quick battles that you can beat. This will raise the EXP Bonus. When it hits level 5, do not hit rematch. (You will know it is level 5 by either looking in the Customization menu, or by the massive boost in EXP you get in the fight.) Instead of selecting an option from the menu, hit the “Home” button on the PSP. This will send you back to the PSP menu.
There is a reason for this to be done. Because you in essence shut off the game, the Chocobo’s EXP Bonus does not reset. But since you are shutting the game down after it saves, you are still retaining the EXP you gained in battle. Now reload the game, and select a character you wish to level up. Lets go with garland for example.
Go to Garland’s Customization Menu. For his Summonstones, set his reserves in this order:
Magic Pot
Magic Pot (Auto)
Ifrit (Auto)
Now head into a battle with Ex-Death. You should select the battle stats as follows:
Strength: Average
Level (CPU): 100
Behavior (CPU): Cautious
Rules: None
When you enter the battle immediately hit Magic Pot. Now get to hitting Ex-Death with your HP attacks. The first hit will easily net you around 750,000 EXP. But you do not have to stop at the first hit. The additional hits can easily net 29-45,000 EXP. In the first battle with Garland using this method, I not only beat Ex-Death, but I went from level 1-80 in one fight.
Being that Magic Pot needs 6 fights to recharge, use those fights to finish leveling the character you are working on. Once they have reached the desired level, move on to the next character. The most important thing I can stress though is make sure you hit the “Home” button after each fight, and not any of the menu commands. If you hit one of them, the EXP Bonus will reset, and you will have to acquire it again.
Now you are wondering why you want every character leveled up huh? Well this is easy too, Cosmos and Chaos reports. In order to get the Cosmos Reports, Each of the Cosmos aligned characters must complete Shade Impulse 4. It is recommended that the characters be at least level 50+ to accomplish this.
The Chaos Reports are acquired when the Chaos-aligned characters fight a boss of their games hero in the Dual Coliseum. Since it does not matter which version of the Coliseum you fight in, they need to be at least level 50 as well. The only characters without a report are Shantotto, and Gabranth.
The drawback to such a high rate of leveling, is you do not get the amount of AP you normally would. This can easily be fixed as well. Once you have gotten all your characters leveled to 100, you will not longer need the EXP Bonus to remain. You can just keep hitting rematch. This is how you get the AP.
Go back to fighting Ex-Death. This time set his level to say 20. Something you can kill in one shot. One shot kills give you AP Award nine times out of ten. You then get 6 AP in the fights that award you. It won’t be but an hours worth of fighting, and you should be able to gain all the AP you can.