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   materiaCompilation of VII

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   - Case of Lifestream
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   - Omega WEAPON
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   materiaFinest Fantasy For Advance

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   materiaFabula Novis Crystallis

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   materiaCrystal Chronicles

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   materiaFilm / OVA / Anime

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--------Premium Content--------

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final fantasy ix chocograph locationsChocographs

While playing Chocobo Hot and Cold, you undoubtedly stumbled across a stone with strange writings. These are known as Chocographs.
final fantasy ix chocograph locations
Chocobo Forest
2-Between Mountains
3-Uncultivated Land
4-Healing Shore
5-Abandoned Beach
6-Cold Field
8-Faraway Lagoon
10-Bird's-eye Lagoon
11-Small Beach
Upper left piece

Chocobo Lagoon
7-Forgotten Lagoon
9-Abdandoned Lagoon
12-Dawn Lagoon
15-Dusk Plains
Upper middle piece

Chocobo Forest Mountain ability
19-Cold Lagoon
Upper right piece
Bottom left piece
16-Forgotten Plains
14-Green Plains
13-Forbidden Forest

Chocobo Lagoon Ocean ability
22-Outer Island 2

Once you obtain the Hilda Garde 3, you can get the rest of the Chocographs

Bottom middle piece
Bottom right piece

Chocobo Air Garden
24-Forgotten Island
23-Fairy Island
21-Outer Island
Chocographs are locations of treasure found around the world map. You need to be on Choco, in order to access the Chocograph menu. Once inside the menu, select the Chocograph you wish to look for. If done correctly, the image will then appear above the world map. Now you need to find the location that is the same as the image in the Chocograph.
To begin looking for the treasures, you need only press the same button, as you would if you were digging in the Chocobo areas with Mene. And as with these areas, you will know when you are close to the treasure. Choco will either say Kweh, KWEH!, or KWEEEH! Once you find the treasure chest, the treasure is yours. That Chocograph will no longer be useful, and Choco will not try to look for it again. Simply select a new Chocograph to hunt for.
There are four chests that contain level up abilities for Choco. When you find one of these chests, you will be put to sleep. Choco will then travel to the Chocobo Dream World. Here he will encounter the Fat Chocobo, which will grant him a new ability. Your abilities for Choco are: Reef, Mountain, Ocean, and Sky.
The reef ability allows you to travel across shallow waters.
The mountain ability gives Choco the ability to climb mountains around the world.
With the Ocean ability, you will be able to travel across the deep water.
And lastly, the sky ability will grant you the ability to fly in the air. You can only take off and land in forests with this ability. You can also find the Chocobo Air Gardens, and Paradise.
The only way to get the Chocograph that gives you the Sky ability, is to collect 6 Chocograph pieces found in the forest and lagoon. There is a small catch. You must have completed the main story up to the point of getting the Hilda Garde 3, or the final two Chocographs will not appear. On the left is a complete rundown of what Chocographs you will get in each location. Below is the markers and treasures of what you will get from each Chocograph. For an exact location, just click the number of the marker you wish to see.

Chocograph Abilities # Description Treasures
final fantasy ix chocograph Streamside Field 1 Go check where the river meets the ocean, kupo. Germinas Boots x 2
final fantasy ix chocograph Between mountains Field 2 Go look near the mountains facing the ocean on the southwest side of the Mist Continent. Potion x 5
High Potion x 5
Tent x 2
Cotton Robe x 2
final fantasy ix chocograph Uncultivated land Field 3 The treasure is buried near a river, kupo, but I don't think it'll be easy to find. Antidote x 10
Jade Armlet
Wing Edge x 3
Cargo Ship Card
final fantasy ix chocograph Healing shore Field 4 I've seen a beach that looks like this near a city with high winds, kupo. Reef Ability
final fantasy ix chocograph Abandoned beach Field 5 I think there's a beach near a huge dying forest. That might be it, kupo. Phoenix Pinion x 9
Phoenix Down x 5
Peridot x 12
Diamond Gloves
final fantasy ix chocograph Cold field Field 6 Looks like a very cold place, kupo... Echo Screen x 5
High Potion x 7
Tent x 3
Theater Ship Card
final fantasy ix chocograph Forgotten lagoon Field
7 Kupo! Why not go play in icy-cold water? Gysahl Greens x 8
Ether x 5
High Potion x 7
Dragon's Claws
final fantasy ix chocograph Faraway lagoon Field
8 I heard there is a long stretch of reef... That might be it, kupo. Potion x 37
Magic Tag x 6
Shield Armor
Gaia Gear
final fantasy ix chocograph Abandoned lagoon Field
9 I hear there's a sunken treasure near a peninsula in the southern part of the Outer Continent, kupo. Soft x 6
Ether x 4
Feather Boots
N-Kai Armlet
final fantasy ix chocograph Bird's-eye lagoon Field
10 There are so many small islands surrounding the Mist Continent, kupo! Potion x 8
Phoenix Down x 4
Ether x 3
Magician Robe
final fantasy ix chocograph Small beach Field
11 It's a beach on a small island! A great place to vacation, kupo. Remedy x 4
Elixir x 2
Rising Sun x 8
Oak Staff
final fantasy ix chocograph Dawn lagoon Field
12 It's near a city where the night never ends. Mountain Ability
final fantasy ix chocograph Forbidden forest Field
13 The forest lies where many mountain ranges merge, kupo! Ether x 7
Elixir x 2
Wing Edge x 10
High Mage Staff
final fantasy ix chocograph Green plains Field
14 There are treasures on the high plains
too, kupo!
Ocean Ability
final fantasy ix chocograph Dusk plains Field
15 What a beautiful sunset, kupo! Phoenix Down x 12
Ore x 14
Kaiser Knuckles
Iron Man Card
final fantasy ix chocograph Forgotten plains Field
16 The long peninsula sort of points to the location of the treasures, kupo. Ore x 17
Ether x 5
Opal x 14
Demon's Mail
final fantasy ix chocograph Sea at dusk Field
17 There must be more treasures deeper in the ocean. Phoenix Pinion x 15
White Robe
Masamune Card
final fantasy ix chocograph Ocean Field
18 Look carefully! There's a small reef, kupo! Ore x 27
Light Robe
Whale Whisker
Alexander Card
final fantasy ix chocograph Cold lagoon Field
19 What a complicated cove. The water looks very cold, kupo. Peridot x 11
Opal x 9
Sapphire x 15
Topaz x 19
final fantasy ix chocograph Mist ocean Field
20 Look around the small islands located in the northeastern shore of the Mist Continent. Sky Ability
final fantasy ix chocograph Outer island Field
21 Kupo. It isn't a very big island. Amethyst x 21
Garnet x 16
Genji Armor
final fantasy ix chocograph Outer island 2 Field
22 I think there's a desert nearby, kupo. Sapphire x 11
Pumice Piece
Hilda Garde 3 Card
final fantasy ix chocograph Fairy island Field
23 There's a mountain on the middle of the island. Potion x 33
Annoyntment x 15
Holy Miter
Dark Matter Card
final fantasy ix chocograph Forgotten island Field
24 What a strange shape for an island, kupo. Ribbon
Rebirth Ring
Amethyst x 13
Ark Card

In addition to the Chocographs, there are 8 locations of hidden treasure. You will need those Dead Peppers you have been digging up to get them. There are 4 bubble locations in the ocean, 3 cracks in the mountain sides, and one hidden location. When you come across these areas, feed Choco a Dead Pepper, and he will either dive, or dig a hole. Here are the locations of these treasures.

final fantasy ix dead pepper location 9 Ore
15 Topaz
1 Tiger Racket Card
1 Red Rose card
final fantasy ix dead pepper location 50 Potion
25 Hi-Potion
9 Ether
7 Elixir
final fantasy ix dead pepper location 8 Straw Hat
8 Pearl Armlet
7 Aloha T-Shirt
8 Sandals
final fantasy ix dead pepper location 10 Remedy
1 Black Robe
1 Genji Gloves
1 Blue Narciss Card
final fantasy ix dead pepper location 41 Lapis Lazuli
1 Rosetta Card
1 Protect Ring
1 Airship Card
final fantasy ix dead pepper location 19 Eye Drops
1 Madain's Ring
1 Genji Helmet
1 Hilda Garde I Card
final fantasy ix dead pepper location 1 Madain Prayer
1 Dragon's Hair
1 Gauntlets
1 Odin Card
final fantasy ix dead pepper location Ultima Weapon This is found exactly where Shimmering Isle was. You cannot get it, until Disk 4. There are no bubbles for reference, so use the map to pinpoint the exact location.
10 Aquamarine
1 Ultima Weapon
1 Maximilian
1 Invincible Card

Once you have gotten all the Chocographs and hidden treasures, return to Chocobo's Paradise. Speak with Fat Chocobo as you would to challenge him to Tetra Master, and he will give you a Fat Chocobo card. Speak to him again, and he will tell you to visit every beach in the world. Humor yourself, and do it. At each beach, press the square button. Once you hit the square button on all 22 beaches, you will get a message, and your HP/MP will be restored. You will also lose any status effects. And from then on, any time you are close to a beach, and hit the square button, you will be healed. Not too bad eh?
final fantasy ix fat chcobofinal fantasy ix beaches