Final Fantasy VIII

You can draw Carbuncle durring your battle with the Iguions, before you face the Sorceress in Deling City.

final fantasy kingdom, final fantasy viii gf carbuncle
Elemental: None
Attack: Ruby Light
Level HP Atk. Power
1 - -
16 1220 -
20 1326 -
30 2086 -
40 2714 -
50 3350 -
60 3994 -
70 4646 -
80 5306 -
90 5974 -
100 6650 -
Ability AP Opens Ability AP Opens
HP-J 50 HP+20% HP+20% 60 HP+40%
VIT-J Learned None HP+40% 120 None
MAG-J 50 ST-ATK-J VIT+20% 60 VIT+40%
ST-ATK-J 160 None VIT+40% 120 VIT Bonus
ST-DEF-J 100 ST-DEFx2 VIT Bonus 100 None
ST-DEFx2 130 None Counter 200 Auto-Reflect
Abilityx3 Learned None Auto-Reflect 250 None
Magic Learned None GFHP+10% 40 GFHP+20%
GF Learned None GFHP+20% 70 GFHP+30%
Draw Learned None GFHP+30% 140 None
Item Learned None RECOV MED-RF 30 None

Carbuncle returns in Final Fantasy VIII. Once again your little green friend will cast Reflect on your entire party. This comes in major handy at the time you get him, since Reflect and Triple are not available for some time after.
There are no major abilities from Carbuncle. The Vit Bonus may come in handy, if you have a dedicated magic user. The Counter is OK, in the fact you get a chance to counter a physical attack made on you. The downfall is it does not always happen. The big one here though is Carbuncle gives you that Ability x3, giving you another ability slot for a character ability.

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