Final Fantasy VIII

You must defeat Ifrit in the Fire Cavern, at the beginning of the game.

final fantasy viii gf ifrit
Elemental: Fire
Attack: Hellfire
Level HP Atk. Power
1 305 298
10 804 607
20 1366 950
30 1936 1293
40 2514 1636
50 3100 1980
60 3694 2323
70 4296 2666
80 4906 3009
90 5524 3352
100 6150 3695
Ability AP Opens Ability AP Opens
HP-J 50 None STR+40% 120 STR Bonus
STR-J Learned None STR Bonus 100 None
ELEM-ATK-J Learned None SUMMAGIC+10% 40 SUMMAGIC+20%
ELEM-DEFx2 130 None SUMMAGIC+30% 140 None
Magic Learned None GFHP+10% 40 GFHP+20%
GF Learned None GFHP+20% 70 GFHP+30%
Draw Learned None GFHP+30% 140 None
Item Learned None Boost 10 None
Mad Rush 60 None F MAG-RF 30 None
STR+20% 60 STR+40% Ammo-RF 30 None

Ifrit is a fire-based GF. This makes him ideal for enemies with weakness to fire.
Ifrit is the first GF to offer STR and HP-J. With the STR+, and the STR Bonus, you can create a powerhouse fighter early in the game. My suggestion would be Squall, for his Limit Breaks.
Mad Rush is great for overpowering your enemies, but you cannot control your characters. It is something of a gamble in later fights.
Ifrit has your F MAG-REF, and Ammo-REF. With the Ammo-REF, you can refine ammunition, for Irvine's Limit Breaks.

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