Final Fantasy X-2

Main Commands
Blue Bullet
Fiend Hunter

Gun Mage

Location: Escort Tobli safely back to the Moonflow. Chapters 1 & 2

final fantasy x-2 dressphere white mage
Name Description AP MP Required Abilities
Attack Attack one enemy. 0 0 -
Blue Bullet Attack with bullets containing fiend skills. 0 3-99 -
Scan View detailed information about one enemy. 20 0 -
Shell Cracker Deal quadruple damage to Helms. 20 3 -
Anti-Aircraft Deal quadruple damage to Birds and Wasps. 20 3 -
Silver Bullet Deal quadruple damage to Lupines. 20 3 -
Flan Eater Deal quadruple damage to Flans. 20 3 -
Elementillery Deal quadruple damage to Elementals. 20 3 Flan Eater
Killasaurus Deal quadruple damage to Reptiles. 20 3 -
Drake Slayer Deal quadruple damage to Drakes. 20 3 Killasaurus
Dismantler Deal quadruple damage to Machina. 20 3 -
Mech Destroyer Deal quadruple damage to Mechs. 20 3 Dismantler
Demon Muzzle Deal quadruple damage to Imps and Evil Eyes. 20 3 Anti-Aircraft
Fiend Hunter Lv.2 Cuts the time required for Fiend Hunter by 40%. 30 0 -
Scan Lv.2 Allows user to rotate targets when casting Scan. 20 0 -
Scan Lv.3 Allows user to target party members with Scan. 100 0 Scan Lv.2

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