Dragon Warrior III

World Map

dragon warrior iii world map
1 - New Town
2 - Village of the Soo
3 - Shrine South of Greenland
4 - Wizard of Greenlands home
5 - Tower of Arp
6 - Samanao
7 - Samanao Shrine
8 - Samanao Cave
9 - House of Pirates
10 - Forgotten Isle of Luzami
11 - Reeve Village
12 - Reeve Forest
13 - Cave of the Promontory
14 - Tower of Najima
15 - Aliahan Castle
16 - Aliahan Shrine
17 - Cave of Enticement
18 - Lancel
19 - Navel of the Earth
20 - Shrine of Liamland
21 - Tedanki Village
22 - Cave of Necrogond
23 - Shrine of Necrogond
24 - Castle Baramos
25 - Great Pit of Giaga
26 - Isis Shrine
27 - Isis Village
28 - Shrine of the Swamp
29 - Pyramid
30 - Phantom Ship
31 - Portoga Shrine
32 - Portoga
33 - Crater
34 - Baharata
35 - Baharata Cave
36 - Jipang
37 - Jipang Cave
38 - Jipang Shrine
39 - Shrine of Dhama
40 - Tower of Garuna
41 - Muor Village
42 - Leaf of the World Tree
43 - Shrine of the Hobbit
44 - Shrine at the Shoals
45 - Assaram
46 - Cave of Norud the Dwarf
47 - Shrine at the Promontory of Olivia
48 - Shrine Jail
49 - Romaly Forest
50 - Romaly Castle
51 - Romaly Shrine
52 - Tower of Shanpane
53 - Historic Eginbear Castle
54 - Hidden Village of the Elves
55 - Noaniels
56 - Noaniels Cave
57 - Kanave
58 - Castle of the Dragon Queen

 Dragon Warrior Series
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Dragon Warrior is a of Square-Enix Co. Ltd. All images, music, logo's, etc are Square-Enix.