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-----------DLC Origins-----------
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------------DLC DA II------------
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Dragon Age Origins Gifts


dragon age origins gift Alistairs mothers locket (Plot Item) This silver emblem of Andraste's Flame is riddled with cracks. Someone with a lot of patience has carefully glued it back together.
Arl Eamon's desk (RedCliff Castle)

dragon age origins gift Duncan's Shield (Plot Item) The symbol of the Grey Wardens is emblazoned on this shield, which once belonged to Duncan. It was found in the Grey Wardens cache in Denerim.
Warden's Vault (Denerim Market District. Must ask Riordan about the vault)

dragon age origins gift Small Carved Statue A small carving of a robed woman.

dragon age origins gift Stone Dragon Statue A small stone carving of a dragon.
Redcliff Castle

dragon age origins gift Stone Warrior Statue A small stone carving of a humanoid warrior.
Mountainside Caverns (Ruined Temple)

dragon age origins gift White Runestone A small, flat white stone with a gold rune carved into it.
Circle of the Magi Tower

dragon age origins gift Onyx Demon Statue A small statue of a demon, carved out of onyx.
East Brecilian Forest

dragon age origins gift Black Runestone A flat black stone with a glowing silver rune carved into it.
Aeducan Thaig (Orzammar)


dragon age origins gift Black Grimoire (Plot Item) A black leather-bound book with a tree on the cover.
First Enchanters office (Circle Tower)

dragon age origins gift Flemmith's Grimoire (Plot Item) An old, but lovingly cared for book, bound in leather of questionable origins. The pages smell of herbs and wood smoke. Intricate stitching on the cover marks out a leafless tree, strangely ominous in its stark appearance.
Flemmith's Hut (Must do Morrigan's personal quest)

dragon age origins gift Golden Mirror (Plot Item) A mirror of polished glass in a gold frame. Golden deer and sparrows frolic together in a charming scene on the back of the mirror.

dragon age origins gift Gold Rope Necklace This unique necklace is made of delicate gold strands twisted together in a thick rope.
Lothering, Camp

dragon age origins gift Locket An antique cameo depicting a beautiful woman with jewels in her hair. The cameo is set in the front of a filigreed gold locket.

dragon age origins gift Golden Demon Pendant A molded pendant that looks eerily like the head of a demon hangs off this thick gold chain.
Ruined Temple Gauntlet

dragon age origins gift Silver Chain This short necklace is made of several strands of silver chain.
Senior Mage Quarters (Circle Tower)

dragon age origins gift Silver Broach A large gemstone in an intricate silver setting. A small pin on its back allows it to be attached to clothing.
Dalish Camp

dragon age origins gift Silver Medallion This silver necklace is adorned with a large silver medallion.
Ancient Ruins Upper Level

dragon age origins gift Gold Amulet A gold amulet suspended by a chain of delicate gold links.


dragon age origins gift Beef Bone A shoulder of beef, with bone attached.
Ostagar & Circle Tower

dragon age origins gift Found Cake A soggy cake-like object that has probably seen better days. This was found by Dog. Flecks of dog spittle still cling to it.
Found by Dog

dragon age origins gift Lamb Bone The bone from a leg of roast lamb.
Castle Redcliffe

dragon age origins gift Ox Bone This ox bone still has some tendon attached to it.
West Brecillian Forest

dragon age origins gift Tangled Ball of Yarn A tangled ball of grey-brown woolen yarn. It is still slimy from having been in the mabari's mouth.
Found by Dog

dragon age origins gift Veal Bone A juicy veal bone.
Elven Alienage


dragon age origins gift Andrastes Grace (Plot Item) A small white wildflower, commonly known as Andraste's Grace.
Redcliffe Village, Alienage, Brecillian Forest

dragon age origins gift Cute Nug (Plot Item) The nug's nose twitches as it stares at the world with clear inquisitive eyes. It seems to enjoy being stroked.
Dust Town, Idle Dwarf

dragon age origins gift Blue Satin Shoes Powder blue satin shoes with long ribbons that circle the ankle. Gold lace trim and dangling gold charms shaped like puppies add the finishing touches.
Old Tegrin

dragon age origins gift Bronze Symbol of Andraste A small bronze plate with the symbol of a flame stamped into it.

dragon age origins gift Chantry Amulet This amulet is similar to the ones worn by members of the Chantry. The carving on the amulet depicts Andraste's undying flame.
Circle Tower

dragon age origins gift Etched Silver Symbol A simple holy symbol, made of etched silver.
Ortan Thaig

dragon age origins gift Golden Symbol of Andraste An elegant gold disk suspended from a ribbon that bears the mark of andraste's flame.

dragon age origins gift Silver Sword of Mercy An ornate silver amulet in the shape of a Sword.
Old Tegrin

dragon age origins gift Steel Symbol of Andraste This holy symbol is crafted from polished steel and has a severe look to it.
Denerim Market District


dragon age origins gift Ale A mug of watered-down ale.
All Bartenders

dragon age origins gift Alley King's Flagon A monument to the pot-valiant in appropriately hammered gold. Lack of lid allows for a quick pour and, more importantly, refill. Never a stale brew when you facilitate swift consumption.

dragon age origins gift Chasind Sack Mead A brutishly strong honey liquor, reminiscent of warm summer days, apple blossoms on the wind with an unexpected aftertaste of father going off to war, never to return. Bitter, to say the least.
Ruined Temple

dragon age origins gift Garbolg's Backcountry Reserve Likely dropped to avoid seizure by authorities, or because of seizure due to drinking it. Garbolg only brewed from 8:74 to 8:92 Blessed, killed when the vapors in his beard spontaneously combusted.
Found by Dog

dragon age origins gift Golden Scythe 4:90 Black This battlefield spirit maintains a chill even in direct sunlight, which it appears to absorb. Optimal serving is by the drop. Contact with exposed flesh is discouraged, but likely inevitable.

dragon age origins gift Legacy White Shear Peculiar and rare, a single run of this spirit took color and what has been optimistically been called flavor from lyrium in the cask's bilge hoop. A sipping whisky if you value your innards. Circa 790 T.E.
East Brecillian Forest

dragon age origins gift Sun Blonde Vintage-1 Tevinter-brewed for a very discreet client�le, and strong enough to fluster a tranquil. An almost weightless spirit best served with a powdering of catsbane as a flavor-enhancer and antidote.
Circle Tower

dragon age origins gift Dirty Pair of Pantaloons These pantaloons, crusted in soil, were probably buried for years before the mabari dug them up. On closer inspection, it appears they were once either gold or silver in color.
Found by Dog


dragon age origins gift Stens Sword (Plot Item) A Qunari greatsword. Though its blade shows nicks from numerous battles, it has obviously been well looked after.
Redcliffe Village

dragon age origins gift Painting of the Rebel Queen This painting portrays a battle between Orlais and Ferelden. The Rebel Queen, with fiery red hair, has climbed atop a ruined chariot and is holding aloft her battle standard.
Old Tegrin

dragon age origins gift Portrait of a Goosegirl A painting in a golden frame, showing a girl with windswept hair tending to a flock of geese in a snow-covered valley.
Frostback Mouontains

dragon age origins gift Silver-Framed Still Life This painting is framed in silver and depicts thirty-two identical Orlesian porcelain tureens.
Castle Redcliffe

dragon age origins gift totem A small wooden totem with figures of demons and other strange beasts carved into it.
Caridin's Cross

dragon age origins gift Water-Stained Portrait An antique portrait, slightly water-stained, of a man wearing furs and a heavy crown.
Sr. Mages Quarters


dragon age origins gift Discovering Dragon's Blood: Potions, Tinctures, and Spicy Sauces This thick tome is covered in dark, dusty leather and has a distinctly foreboding appearance.
Ruined Temple

dragon age origins gift Fancy Scroll A scroll of parchment decorated with fancy gold handles.
Lower Ruins

dragon age origins gift The Guerrins of Ferelden "The Guerrins of Ferelden: A Genealogical History." This book traces the line of Arl Eamon back to the time of the Alamarri clans. It doesn't seem to have been read much.
Castle Redcliffe

dragon age origins gift The Rose of Orlais "The Rose of Orlais" appears to be a book about a woman named Lady Talia Lyonne, and her tempestuous romance with the arrogant chevalier, Garren.
Circle Tower

dragon age origins gift The Search for the True Prophet "The search for the true prophet:" This tattered tome explores the possibility that Andraste was a powerful mage, not the Maker's Chosen. It seems this book was saved from a fire at some point.

dragon age origins gift wine A flask of red wine.
Spoiled Princess & Lothering


dragon age origins gift Antivan Leather Boots (Plot Item) A handsome pair of boots, made of luxurious Antivan doeskin.

dragon age origins gift Dalish Gloves (Plot Item) These gloves are made of supple leather and lined with soft rabbit fur.
west Brecillian Forest

dragon age origins gift Medium Gold Bar A fairly heavy gold bar
Arl of Denerim's Estate

dragon age origins gift Medium Silver Bar A bar of pure silver.
Anvil of the Void

dragon age origins gift Small Gold Bar A small bar of gold.
Circle Tower

dragon age origins gift Small Silver Bar A bar of pure silver.
Haven Chantry


dragon age origins gift Ancient Map of the Imperium An antique, wine-stained map showing the boundaries of the ancient Tevinter Imperium.
Denerim Market District

dragon age origins gift Botanist's Map of Thedas A botanist's map of Thedas, showing where rare plants may be found on the continent.
Castle Redcliffe

dragon age origins gift Current Map of Ferelden A clean and fairly up to date map showing the borders of modern Ferelden.

dragon age origins gift Map of the Anderfels A beautiful illustrated map of the Anderfels that includes drawings of strange beasts.
Denerim Market District

dragon age origins gift Map of Occupied Ferelden An old map showing Ferelden as part of Orlais. Naturally, many such maps were destroyed when the Orlesians were driven out.
Castle Redcliffe

Misc. Gifts

dragon age origins gift Gemmed Bracelet A delicate golden bracelet adorn with small, sparkling gems.
Orzammar Commons

dragon age origins gift Gold Earrings A pair of polished, golden hoop earrings.

dragon age origins gift Headband A wide black headband decorated with sinister silver runes.
The Pearl

dragon age origins gift Painted Skyball This almost-perfect orb is made of a polished black stone and has been painted to look like the night sky, complete with constellations.
West Brecillian Forest

dragon age origins gift Shiny Gold Ring A simple gold band, polished to a mirror-like shine.

dragon age origins gift Silver Bracelet A heavy silver bracelet inscribed with Dwarven runes.
Tower of Ishal

dragon age origins gift Silver Demon Head Ring An ornate silver ring with a decorative element made to look like a horned head of a demon.

dragon age origins gift Small Silver Ring A thin silver band set with a single gemstone.
Castle Redcliffe

dragon age origins gift Steel Bracers These steel bracers have exquisite carvings of warhounds on them.
Castle Redcliffe

dragon age origins gift Tiara A golden tiara adorned with a single gem.
Denerim Market District

dragon age origins gift Tribal Necklace A necklace of sun-bleached teeth and bones.
Tower of Ishal