Final Fantasy VII Remake Transportation
 It would seem we managed to add transportation to Midgar in Final Fantasy VII Remake. In Chapter 14 you will be able to buy trips in the Chocobo Carts owned by Chocobo Sam. There is a fee of course. You will ahve to shell out 300 Gil for every trip you want. But when you are trying to complete quests across Sector 5 and is worth it at times.
When you finsih the Chocobo Search Side Quest, (You cannot miss this one. It will be given automatically no matter which direction you leave Sector 5) the transportation becomes free of charge when you finish the quest.
A lot of the locations for travel do not have a Chocobo present. You need to activate the sign (shown here) in order to take your ride. You will then load up in the carraige in a small cutscene, and off you go.

You can skip this small cutscene. But you will still get a rather lengthy load time. Understandable considering the game.....
Here is a map of the locations you can reach in Sector 5 and 6. I would definitely work to get the missing Chocobo's, so the rides become free. It certainly makes completing the more streched out side quests a lot easier.
